GLA:D® Program for Osteoarthritis.

The GLA:D® program is a clinically proven approach to reducing osteoarthritis symptoms and improving movement. Our Physiotherapists have undertaken additional training to be certified to offer this program to help you stay active, strong, and pain-free.

Education & supervised exercise sessions. GLA:D® certified Physiotherapists.

  • GLA:D® (Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark) is an internationally recognised exercise and education program designed to improve pain, function, and quality of life for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis. It combines:

    • Education sessions on osteoarthritis management

    • Supervised exercise classes to build strength & stability

    • Long-term strategies to reduce pain & maintain mobility

  • This program is suitable for anyone with hip or knee osteoarthritis, including those who:

    • Experience stiffness, pain, or reduced mobility

    • Want to avoid or delay surgery

    • Are looking for a structured, evidence-based approach to managing OA

  • No referral is required. You can book directly with us. However, Medicare Team Care Arrangement (TCA) plans, private health insurance, and WorkCover/TAC funding may provide rebates for eligible participants.

  • GLA:D® is a 6-week structured program, including:

    • 2 education sessions to understand OA & pain management

    • 12 supervised exercise sessions (twice weekly for 6 weeks)