We are the experts at assessing and diagnosing your musculoskeletal injury and go about setting a rehab plan to get you back to your best as fast as possible.


Our Physiotherapists are highly qualified and are the musculoskeletal experts in our clinic, utilising both manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilisation, massage, stretching, and dry needling in conjunction with progressive exercise based rehabilitation. We can guide the treatment of any musculoskeletal complaint from onset or post-op, right through to sports specific and high level training. A large focus on exercise rehabilitation in our clinic allows our Physio's to ensure you do not rely solely on passive treatment and actively participate in your own recovery. 

Our team of Physio’s privde themselves on accurately assessing and diagnosing your injury and go about setting a rehab plan to get you back to your best as fast as possible. This plan won’t include any shortcuts, we don't sugar coat things for you, we tell you exactly what you need to do to get a great result. Yes, we see a lot of sporting injuries. Footballers, Netballers, Runners, Basketballers, you name them, we see them. However, you don't have to be a sporting prodigy to come and visit us, but we will treat you like a superstar anyway! 

Many people spend time seeking a 'quick fix' but from our experience this is a recipe for disaster. Costly recurrences and injury aggravation just slow you down even more. For this reason our team wont stop at just getting your injuries better, we will also help you to prevent injuries from happening in the first place.